Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to Today.

Yeah, so we've taken a short sabbatical (yeah, yeah... a couple of years....) to get our acts together. By "getting our acts" together, I mean we grew up. We traveled, we started paying more bills, we bought properties, we settled down.

We will be bantering back and forth about topics we both hold dear to our hearts. We are focusing on two of the things we love most in the world: food and talk. Though if there is one thing we know how to do, it is deviate from the topic. Sorry in advance.

We hope this blog will be a space for story-telling, but we want to primary focus on food, recipes, and our culinary - and other - (mis)adventures. After all, what can't food be connected to?? Even stories of our first kisses call to memory the smell of cheese curds and flavored Chapstick. GROSS, amiright??? We hope you'll be patient with us, and stick around for the ride!

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