Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Roomie or No Roomie*

There comes a time in every "adult-minded" person's life, when living in the basement of your parent's home no longer has the same sex appeal as it did when you were younger. Granted the free meals, laundry service and very limited responsibilities has its charm, there comes a point when one has to venture out on his or her own - to face the great outdoors of corporate america and independence.

It is at this precise moment when one must seriously consider his financial situation and make a decision based on location, amenities and affordability. Often times this decision forces one to consider having a roommate. There are multiple ways one may stumble upon a roommate. There are three specific ways:
1) You room with a friend / acquaintance
2) You live with a significant other
3) You decide to live with a complete stranger

1) FRIENDFor some the decision is easy, as you may already have a group of friends who are embarking on the same situation. This is the easy way out - you live with a friend. Of course, it is not to say that living with a friend versus a complete stranger is more advantageous, but at least you know what you may be getting yourself into. You've at least cut through some of the bullshit of knowing who the other person is. You will either come to like the person more by living with them or slowly begin to realize all the little crazy things you never knew about them that drive you absolutely nuts.

2) SIGNIFICANT OTHERYou live with a significant other. Dependent on the stage of the relationship this can be a real trip. You don't ever have to worry about being disturbed or interrupted, but on the other hand, you can become very limited to your fair share of personal time and space. For many couples the "move-in" can be the make or break of a relationship.

3) STRANGER You choose a complete stranger to you. Much like posting a personal ad you take a chance. Someone likes what you are offering, you like how they come across. Mind you, first impressions tell you a great lot about someone, but they are just that -- first impressions. Sometimes a complete stranger is the best way to go about living with someone. You have absolutely nothing to sacrifice, as the person is not your friend or significant other. If a friendship comes of the live-in situation, great and if not, it's not like you ever had to expect it.

This blog is designed to cover to good, bad and ugly about roommates. We've all had our moments and it's time to share. *This post is remembering an OLD roommate, several years ago.

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